Living in NSTC

Community living is part and parcel of Basic Rescue Training (BRT). You will be learning, working and living with your fellow trainees as a team during your BRT.

Adjusting to community living

scdf-living-in-nsti-01To help you adjust, here are some tips in general:

  • Show consideration for others, obey instructions and observe rules and regulations.
  • Interact with your fellow recruits and get to know them well. People always work better in teams if they have already formed friendships.
  • Sometimes professional help may be needed. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) has channels for professional counselling, financial assistance and addressing personal grievances should you require them.

Many servicemen find that the friendships they make during National Service last for life because of the strong bonds formed through common experiences and daily interactions. So stay positive about this unique experience.

Personal health

Your health is of utmost importance. You will be given sufficient time to rest every day so that you are well prepared for the next day’s training. If you sustain any injuries during training or are feeling unwell, you should inform your instructor immediately and he or she will arrange to send you to the Medical Centre for treatment. You will also undergo vaccination upon enlistment. You should declare all medical condition(s) before your vaccination with supporting documents. If you are on long-term medication, you may also require a review by the Medical Officer.

Personal hygiene and appearance

As you are living in the bunks with other platoon mates, you will be required to observe good personal hygiene and a neat appearance. Some of the basic regimental requirements include:

  • Keeping your hair short, well-groomed and neat
  • Maintaining short and clean fingernails
  • Shaving daily (no facial hair is allowed)
  • Being dressed appropriately at all times in accordance with training or regimental rules


scdf-living-in-nsti-03To ensure you have a nutritious and well-balanced diet, the SCDF plans all menus and rations carefully. You will be provided with three meals and a night snack a day. If you have any food-related allergies, please inform your officers immediately upon enlistment. Arrangements will be made to cater to your dietary needs and there is no need for you to bring any food into the camp.

Personal belongings

You are responsible for your own personal belongings at all times. We recommend that you do not bring more than $50 during your BRT. Other than your mobile phone, you are not allowed to bring along any other electronic devices and expensive personal belongings such as jewellery to NSTC. Such belongings will be confiscated and returned to you only when you book out.

Dormitory cleanliness and maintenance

scdf-living-in-nsti-03The cleanliness of your dormitory is the responsibility of all who live in it. Your dormitory must be kept clean and tidy and you will be expected to do the following:

  • Sweep the floors
  • Deposit rubbish in the bins
  • Clean the walls, windows and furniture
  • Keep your personal belongings neatly in the locker provided

In-camp facilities

There are sports facilities in camp which you will be using as part of your training program:

  • Gymnasium
  • Indoor courts for sports such as basketball, badminton
  • Swimming pool