Overseas pre-enlistees

All male Singapore Citizens and Permanent Residents (PRs) are liable for National Service (NS). They will be enlisted at the earliest opportunity upon turning 18 years old.

Exit Permit and bond

If you are an overseas pre-enlistee and you are 13 years old and above, an Exit Permit and bond may be required.

Registration for NS at 16.5 years old and deferment for studies

All male Singapore citizens and PRs have to register for NS upon reaching 16.5 years old. This requirement also applies to male children who are granted PR status under their parents’ sponsorship.

Those who are residing or studying overseas will receive registration notices sent by us at their registered address.

Failure to register for NS is an offence under the Enlistment Act 1970. Offenders shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.

If you are studying and wish to complete your studies prior to enlistment, you can apply for deferment during the NS registration process. In general, deferment is granted for full-time studies such as the GCE ‘A’ Level, International Baccalaureate, polytechnic diploma, ITE diploma, Nitec, Higher Nitec or equivalent qualifications. Deferment will not be granted for university studies.

For detailed information on deferment policies, please refer to our page on deferment for studies.

Medical screening

You will be required to go through medical screening to determine your medical fitness. It will affect the duration and type of basic training you will undergo. You will be scheduled to report to the Medical Classification Centre (MCC) for medical screening about nine to twelve months before you complete your studies. You can refer to our page on medical screening for more information.

Depending on the nature and complexity of your medical condition(s), you may be required to attend further medical reviews at MCC or at hospitals. The duration of the medical assessment will be dependent on the waiting time for appointments at MCC and hospitals. If you are unable to attend these medical reviews, you may reschedule the appointments to a suitable time. You can refer to the medical review page for more information on rescheduling of appointments. However, do note that it may lead to a delay in your enlistment. Alternatively, you can also choose to complete these medical reviews overseas at your own expense and submit the medical report to MCC for review. Please note that we will not cover the expenses for investigation done overseas.

Dual citizenship and NS liability

If you have dual citizenship, you are still liable for NS. For overseas pre-enlistees aged 13 years old and above, an Exit Permit and bond may be required. You will also have to register for NS when you turn 16.5 years old. On turning 18 years old, you will be enlisted to serve full-time NS at the earliest possible opportunity.

Singapore does not recognise dual citizenship. If you decide to retain your Singapore citizenship on turning 21 years old, you will be required to renounce your foreign citizenship.