What We Do

What we do

Today, our core activities include managing the pre-enlistment process, medical screening of pre-enlistees and administrative matters for release from full-time National Service (NS) upon servicemen reaching their Operationally Ready Date.

Our functions include:

  1. Administering NS registration process for NS-liable male citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents upon reaching the age of 16.5 years
  2. Managing deferment requests
  3. Assigning pre-enlistees to the Singapore Armed Forces, Singapore Civil Defence Force and Singapore Police Force for NS
  4. Conducting medical screening examination of pre-enlistees to determine medical fitness for NS
  5. Managing enforcement matters pertaining to Enlistment Act 1970 offences
  6. Managing Exit Permit controls for NS-liable male citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents
  7. Providing auxiliary services such as the management of NRICs and card services
  8. Other internal functions including business excellence, engagement and communications