Deferment for studies

Deferment eligibility criteria for further studies

Pre-enlistees may be deferred from full-time National Service (NS) to pursue full-time pre-university studies (such as GCE ‘O’, ’N’ or ‘A’ Level, polytechnic diploma, Higher NITEC, or NITEC) at a government-funded institution or selected courses at a privately-funded institution.

If you have already attained the above qualifications locally or overseas, you will not be granted deferment to pursue another equivalent or below qualification.

Deferment will not be granted for degree courses, even if you have already begun the course.

Please refer to the tables below on your deferment eligibility for courses commencing from 1 Jan 2023 onwards.

If you have just returned from an overseas course of study, please contact us to make arrangements to submit documentation of your overseas education. We will advise you on your eligibility for deferment from full-time NS for further studies.

Table of deferment eligibility for courses commencing from 1 Jan 2023 onwards

Type of course you wish to pursue at government-funded institutionsSchoolDeferment Eligibility

GCE ‘N’ or ‘O’ Level course

  • Government schools
  • Government-Aided schools
  • Independent schools
  • Specialised Government schools
  • Specialised Independent schools

You will be granted deferment as long as you are pursuing full-time studies at pre-university government-funded institutions, and are pursuing a course for higher academic qualifications from what you had previously attained.

GCE ‘A’ Level, NUS High School Diploma or International Baccalaureate Diploma course

  • Junior Colleges
  • Millennia Institute
  • Integrated Programme schools
  • NUS High School
  • School of the Arts
  • Singapore Sports School

Diploma course

  • Local polytechnics
  • Institute of Technical Education (ITE)
  • Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
  • LASALLE College of the Arts
  • Building and Construction Authority

National ITE Certificate (Nitec) course, Higher Nitec course, or ITE Traineeship Scheme

  • ITE

1 Inclusive of Polytechnic Foundation Programme (PFP) followed by Diploma course

2 For Technical Engineer Diploma and Technical Diploma at ITE, deferment will be granted for the academic phase of the courses only.

Table of deferment eligibility for courses at privately-funded institutions 

Type of course you wish to pursue at privately-funded institutionsSchoolDeferment cut-off age

International Baccalaureate Diploma

Other courses


International Schools


Private Education Institution registered with the Committee for Private Education

19 years old for Secondary 4 students

20 years old for Secondary 5, Nitec or higher Nitec students

3 Deferment for other courses will be considered on a stage-by-stage basis (e.g. a Certificate course and a Diploma course, if packaged together, will be treated as separate courses for the purpose of granting deferment). A new application for deferment must be made to us before the commencement of a new stage of studies.

Deferment for overseas studies

You may be granted deferment to pursue full-time overseas studies (up to the GCE 'A’ Level, polytechnic diploma or their equivalent qualifications) if you are younger than 19 years old (for Secondary 4 students) or 20 years old (for Secondary 5 and ITE students) as at 1 January of the year you commence your course.

You may be required to apply for an Exit Permit and furnish a bond. Please refer to our page on Exit Permit and bond for the requirements.

Documentary proof for deferment applications

If you are applying for deferment to pursue local studies, you may be required to submit a letter from your school certifying your enrolment, course of study, as well as your course commencement and completion dates.

If you are applying for deferment to pursue overseas studies, you must submit to us a letter from your school certifying your enrolment, course of study, as well as your course commencement and completion dates. Should you have any queries, please contact us. Should you need further information on deferment policies, please refer to our FAQ on deferment for studies.