What can you expect as a Police full-time National Serviceman in the Singapore Police Force (SPF)? Find out more before you enlist so that you can prepare yourself for the transition into uniformed Service. Life in a disciplined organisation can be a unique experience!

Ranks and drill commands

Learn to recognise the ranks and basic drill commands.

Police Officers Basic Course

A brief introduction on what you can expect during the Police Officers Basic Course (POBC).


Training safety during National Service is taken very seriously. Find out about the safety measures in the SPF.

After basic training

Vocation training and selection for leadership courses after POBC.

Items issued

Learn about some training equipment and items you will be issued with. Check out the list in this page.

Living in HTA

Find out what life in the Home Team Academy is like.

Contacts for your family

Contact numbers for your family members in case of emergencies during POBC.

Where to seek help

Where you can turn to for counselling, financial assistance and help with grievances.