Where to seek help

In the course of your full-time National Service (NS), you may need assistance with psychological issues, financial issues, or complaints and grievances. The following information shows you where you can turn to for help.


You may face difficulty transitioning from civilian life to a highly disciplined environment in a uniformed organisation. Not to worry, help is available through the following means:

Counselling hotline

You can call the Singapore Armed Forces' (SAF) 24-hour counselling hotline at 1800-278-0022. This is a confidential telephone counselling service provided by the SAF Counselling Centre and manned by trained counselling personnel. You may choose to remain anonymous throughout your call. Face-to-face counselling is also available at the SAF Counselling Centre on request or referral.

Interview sessions

You can highlight your difficulties and ask for assistance during these interviews:

  • Commander interviews
    • Conducted for all recruits within 48 hours of enlistment into full-time NS
  • Regular interviews
    • Subsequently conducted monthly during the Physical Training Phase or Basic Military Training (BMT) phase
  • Special interviews
    • Granted on request

Orientation Officers during BMT

Orientation Officers identify, assist and provide counselling for recruits who have adjustment difficulties and other personal issues.


In the unit, paracounsellors provide help to servicemen in dealing with their issues more effectively. Specially trained and selected, they work closely under the professional guidance and support of counsellors from the SAF Counselling Centre.

You can identify paracounsellors through their identification badges as well as posters displayed in their units.

SAF paracounsellor's badge

Financial assistance

Financial assistance is available if your family suffers financial hardship when you enlist into the SAF. You can apply for Term Financial Assistance through your Unit Manpower Officer (S1) or speak to your officer during the interview session. Alternatively, you can contact MINDEF Shared Services – Personnel Services Centre at 6373-1140 or 6373-1155 for assistance.

Resolve complaints or grievances

As a disciplined organisation, the SAF requires that you resolve any complaints or grievances suffered during the course of your NS through your immediate superior. If the complaint is about your immediate superior, you should raise the matter to the next higher authority in the chain of command.

If you are unable to resolve your grievances after trying all available means within your unit, you can then bring the matter to the attention of the MINDEF Feedback Unit: