Physical Employment Standard (PES)

Physical Employment Status

The Physical Employment Standard (PES) is assigned based on your medical condition and is one of the considerations to determine your vocation during your National Service (NS) period. Should your PES change due to your medical conditions during your NS period, you may be reassigned to a different vocation or appointment accordingly.

Singapore Armed Forces

PES A, B1: Suitable for combat vocations

PES B2, B3, B4: Suitable for some combat vocations, and combat support vocations

PES BP: Fit for Obese BMT

PES C2, C9: Suitable for some combat support vocations, and combat service support vocations

PES D (Only applicable to pre-enlistees): Temporarily unfit for grading and pending further review

PES E1, E9: Suitable for combat service support and service vocations

PES F: Medically unfit for any form of service

Singapore Civil Defence Force

PES A, B1: Suitable for frontline operational vocations

PES B2, B3, B4: Suitable for some frontline operational vocations, and frontline support vocations

PES BP: Fit for Obese BRT

PES C2, C9: Suitable for some frontline support vocations

PES D (Only applicable to pre-enlistees): Temporarily unfit for grading and pending further review

PES E1, E9: Suitable for administrative support vocations

PES F: Medically unfit for any form of service

Singapore Police Force

PES A, B1: Suitable for frontline operational vocations

PES B2, B3, B4: Suitable for some frontline operational vocations, and frontline support vocations

PES BP: Fit for Obese POBC

PES C2, C9: Suitable for some frontline support vocations, and service support vocations

PES D (Only applicable to pre-enlistees): Temporarily unfit for grading and pending further review

PES E1, E9: Suitable for administrative support vocations

PES F: Medically unfit for any form of service